Self-Compassion and Difficulty Getting Things Done

Self-Compassion and Difficulty Getting Things Done

It’s pretty ironic when a perfectionist attempts to create a website on perfectionism. The entire task seems pretty self-defeating for someone who needs things to be perfect before they can be shared with the world. And since nothing is ever perfect, nothing is ever published.  If you go back through the dates of my posts […]

Simone Biles Slays Demands for Perfection and Wins Gold in Self Love

Simone Biles Slays Demands for Perfection and Wins Gold in Self Love

This morning I read an article in the New York Times about “Simone Biles and the Weight of Perfection.” Of course, the entire internet is abuzz with articles about her quitting the Olympics, but this one caught my eye because it addresses the “weight of perfection.” Those words deeply resonate with me.  I don’t know […]