Welcome Fellow Rookies and Namaste

Welcome Fellow Rookies and Namaste

My name is Mikayla. I would love to introduce myself with all these fun labels as a yogi, vegan, polyglot, world traveler, and so on. But these are just aspirations. I’ve wanted to start my own blog probably for a decade or so now. I always put it off because I didn’t think I was ready, didn’t know enough, needed to gain more expertise. Perhaps “procrastinating perfectionist” would be a more accurate introduction. This was my attitude towards just about everything. I was a perfectionist with high-functioning anxiety, stuck in a constant battle against impostor syndrome. I wrote was but it is something I still struggle with. That’s part of the reason why I started this blog.

I’ve read numerous self-help books and blogs, listened to podcasts and audiobooks, and watched countless documentaries. While I definitely feel like I gain a lot of knowledge from these things, I rarely feel like I actually relate to the authors. It can be intimidating when all your coaches or mentors are super fit, deeply spiritual, strict vegans, who wake up early and meditate for a half hour every day, eat their meal prepped lunches, and dedicate at least an hour to go to the gym. While these are amazing achievements and my aspirational lifestyle, it’s not something I’m realistically going to reach any time soon. And I know I’m not alone. After years of aimless soul-searching, multiple therapists, inconsistent yoga, and failed attempts at meditation, I’ve learned that there’s no shame in being a beginner. When I think of the Lao Tzu quote “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” I also try to keep in mind that for every two steps forward, you might take one step back. Progress is not linear, but it is progress nonetheless.

My goal with Hitting Close to Om is to offer something I wish I had: a relatable, imperfect motivator who strives to eat right, exercise, and meditate, but may be inconsistent at times and struggles with introducing new habits into routines (and sticking to them!). I am not an expert; I am an open-minded and determined learner. I have come to terms with the fact that I will never be perfect, but my dedication to learning and self-improvement is an accomplishment all on its own. As I share the ups and downs of my latest endeavor, I hope my words can give you some guidance and more importantly help you to feel more positive about your own journey. It’s okay to be a rookie, to make mistakes, to feel like you’ll never master certain concepts. As long as you focus on your intentions, be kind to yourself, and keep trying, you will continue to improve and you will thrive. We may never reach ultimate enlightenment or even our personal goals, but if we find it within ourselves to keep pressing forward, we can hit it pretty close.

Thank you for joining me on this journey! The light in me honors the light in you. Namaste.

Self-Compassion and Difficulty Getting Things Done

Self-Compassion and Difficulty Getting Things Done

It’s pretty ironic when a perfectionist attempts to create a website on perfectionism. The entire task seems pretty self-defeating for someone who needs things to be perfect before they can be shared with the world. And since nothing is ever perfect, nothing is ever published.  If you go back through the dates of my posts […]

Simone Biles Slays Demands for Perfection and Wins Gold in Self Love

Simone Biles Slays Demands for Perfection and Wins Gold in Self Love

This morning I read an article in the New York Times about “Simone Biles and the Weight of Perfection.” Of course, the entire internet is abuzz with articles about her quitting the Olympics, but this one caught my eye because it addresses the “weight of perfection.” Those words deeply resonate with me.  I don’t know […]

Healing Your Younger Self To Overcome Narcissistic Trauma

Healing Your Younger Self To Overcome Narcissistic Trauma

I am a strong believer in the healing power of therapy. Since beginning therapy, I have made significant improvements in understanding my emotions and overcoming struggles. However, one topic that is difficult to bring up and seemingly impossible to move past is the memories I share with a narcissist. An adult who played a role […]